Strategic Partnerships

KTB employees are affiliated with some of the industry’s top membership organizations including:

  • National Association of Healthcare Underwriters (NAHU)
    • Our leadership sits on the General Agency Principal’s Council, which provides important input on key legislative and regulatory issues and meets with members of Congress, White House personnel, and other decision-makers.
  • Pennsylvania Association of Health Underwriters (PAHU) & Greater Philadelphia Association of Health Underwriters (GPAHU)
    • Kistler Tiffany Benefits’ CEO and President were instrumental in growing GPAHU to be the largest chapter in the state of Pennsylvania.
  • New Jersey Association of Health Underwriters (NJAHU)
    • Kistler Tiffany Benefits is active in all chapters, with staff members in leadership roles in both the South Jersey Association of Health Underwriters (SJAHU) and Monmouth Ocean Association of Health Underwriters (MOAHU).
  • Society for Human Resource Management